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Old February 4th, 2003, 01:37 PM   #18
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Originally posted by Apothis
From the reaction that Adama gave and even Cain, this was not a standard battle tactic. Remember, Cain told Adama that he would turn away at the last moment when they planned it. It was Cain's own initiative to attack the Cylon Basestars.

The other clue that this is not a standard tactic that usually was an easy win, is the reaction of everyone from Apollo to Starbuck to Adama and even Sheba when they realized Cain was going to attack the Basestars alone.

Afan2:Yes, because he had the civillian fleet to protect.

If they could have settled the planet, there would be no need for the fleet. However capturing a planet was not the kind of military victory the Colonials were capable of. Best the Colonials could hope for was continued hit and run victories.

Although the Cylon defenses in the Gomoray land base were neutralized by the two battlestars, there would still be Cylons on the planet. Could Adama afford to risk a guerrilla war on the ground, while the civillians were left unprotected? And could he win it before the Cylons sent other baseships to regain Gomoray? I find that doubtful.

QUOTE form Afan2:
This is just my interpretation, but I have always understood that the Fifth Fleet which was destroyed in Molecay was comprised of many more ships than the Pegasus (otherwise, how could it have escaped unnoticed?) When the battle was over, the Pegasus was left isolated from the colonies, with lack of fuel, possibly with structural damage and a reduced crew. And still she was able to survive off of the raids on Gomoray

Only because the Cylons did not know that it was a Battlestar leading the attacks. They probably thought it was space pirates. During those hit and run raids on Gomoray, Cain did not face a Cylon Basestar.
Which doesn't necessarily mean that he couldn't have...
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