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Old March 3rd, 2009, 09:38 PM   #136
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica to the Big Screen?

Sandy -

You do make some excellent points there. Historically speaking, CFF was the one single effort where everyone came together and actually met the goal it set out to do. From what I've observed, every other effort of any kind always fell victim to problems from within - differences in regards to direction, content, etc. always seemed to lead to the effort falling apart. When I think of the fact that BSG's 30th anniversary came and went without any major fan produced project of any significance seemed to be a sign that people had given it up and wandered off to pursue other interests.

If there is to be any kind of an "effort" to show support for a new project, you're probably right....people taking whatever resources they have and use those resources to create something, anything, even if it's just an individual thing - collectively, all those "things" add up as a show of interest.

When people talk about a petition - look at the current many signatures really can be collected? Even if someone started a letter writing campaign to Universal or Glen Larson, how many letters or cards would it generate? In the end, it might build up a bit of morale thinking that we're doing something to show interest, but when you consider the numbers collectively, it's just not large enough to create the desired effect.

It's frustrating at times.... I mean, it feels nice to see some people come back and discuss BSG, but when you look at the number of people that haven't come back, it's easy to feel discouraged about it as a whole. When I first came upon Colonial Fleets in 2003, this site was bustling with activity about BSG and SciFi in general. Now, the site is very small in terms of active posts and it's generally remembered on other boards as the site that voiciferously declined endorsing Ron Moore's BSG (I still see an occasional comment about that on the Skiffy board).

Maybe it's all timing..... Maybe when TNS has finished it's broadcast run in a few weeks and after the direct to DVD film is released this summer, that might be the time when BSG fans new and old will look for a new direction to focus their interest. If and when there's further news and development on this project with Glen Larson's name on it, that might be the time that at least more people will look towards the concept of TOS to get their BSG fix for the lack of anything else.

Who knows what the future holds? I sure don't.

"When Commander Adama sees these, he's gonna go crazy!" - Col. Tigh - "Saga of a Star World"

"If you love long enough, wish hard enough, anything is possible" - From The Boy Who Could Fly
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