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Old April 21st, 2005, 10:44 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by SpyOne
About the "Hand of God" signal:

A guy I work with had a heated arguement with me about that episode. Because of the footage used for the planets, and the similarity they bore to certain familiar ones, and the fact that the Vipers never completed their search of that system because they encountered the Base Star, He was quite firmly convinced that Galactica had indeed found Earth, right at the time of the first Apollo landing, but the Cylons had a Base Star around Mars and chased them off, and they never investigated further because they were convinced that signal was a trap.

All I'm saying is, I can't prove he's wrong.
That is a very interesting take on that episode. It's also the first rational explanation that puts the events of the Galactica near our own timeline. If you assume that is true it would also explain the later Terra Arc, in that the Galactica basically passed Earth and then went on to find other members of the 13th tribe who continued on past Earth and named the world they settled on "Terra", which after all is just another name for Earth anyway.
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