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Old February 3rd, 2005, 07:43 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by antelope526
No ship in the rag tag fleet was capable of light speed. With that being said TOS could have never taken place beyond the original star system.
Again, however, you are assuming things based on our current understanding of the universe and an incomplete understanding of Colonial science. True we are piling assumptions on top of assumptions, but that is acceptable in a fictional milieu. If you assume that it is a given that no ships in the fleet travel faster than C (information from the show) and that that is a true statement, then the statement that these ships make interplanetary and intergalactic journeys (information from the show) is also a true statement. It is our current paradigm of the universe that keeps us from reconciling these two apparently contradictory statements. I suggest that in the Galactica milieu, our paradigm is incorrect, or at least grossly incomplete. Instead of trying to figure out how Galactica “science” fits (or fails to fit) into our view of the universe, we should instead be looking at what we know of their science and technology, and what it tells us about the nature of their universe.

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