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Old December 10th, 2003, 04:54 PM   #91
Snowball, My Angel Baby
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Default Re: Lets talk flawed

Originally posted by Internecine
I actually had to sit back and think about this. In TOS, if i recall, Apollo mentioned something about all the cylon fighters just before the attack. How it was 2 or 3 base ships worth. In another episode, the one where they had to attack the base ship to continue on, Adama made mention of a base ship having 200 fighters. So there were at most 600 fighters going around the 12 colonies killing everyone in TOS.

Internecine, you need to do a bit more research into the opening attack at the Peace Conference AND the attack on the Colonies, on TOS:

In the premiere episode, Apollo and Zac discovered the 2 Cylon Tankers and the "thousands"* of Cylon raiders, on patrol, and rushed back to warn the fleet. Apollo made it back, safely, to the Galactica but, Zac's ship was destroyed short of the fleet.

*(probably "hundreds" -- I attribute Apollo's remark about 1000:1 odds as being said during the "heat of the moment")

During Apollo's report to Adama and Tigh, it was suggested that the Cylon raiders used the tankers to refuel after flying there, FROM SOME OTHER POINT which may or may not have been from the Basestars that were nestled in and amongst the Colonies. (This was never fully explained, only suggested).

As we saw, they made good work of building and the Fierce logo. Then during the exodus somehow everyone was able to get away, without any attacks. You'd think 600 fighters vs. 12 planets, that's 50 fighters between 'em all. Just sounds fishy to me.
Even if those Basestars, in the Colonies, only had a half-strength complement of Raiders, that would have been quite sufficient to annhilate the Colonies but, only AFTER the fleet had been destroyed (not many ships are needed if there is little or no defense).

This is in retort to comments made about the new mini and the use of balistic weapons and nukes. Hey even B5 had nukes! The origional star trek. Lasers are so overrated. Make a ship reflective and bam, your guns are useless =)
In the mini, the use of "bullets" and "nuclear warheads" was done, strictly for budgetary reasons. Sci-Fi produced this mini-series on a shoestring. (This was illustrated in a previous thread here which compared monies spent on the mini to monies spent on the TOS premiere. In "1978 dollars", Sci-Fi spent a comparable amount on the mini as was spent on TOS (on a per hour basis). My opinion is that TOS spent their f/x dollars more wisely.)

Lay down
Your sweet and weary head
The night is falling
You have come to journey's end
Sleep now
And dream of the ones who came before
They are calling
From across the distant shore .

Children are a message that we send
to a time that we will never see.
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