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Old October 10th, 2009, 05:08 PM   #10
Captain Chirri
Shuttle Pilot
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Default Re: I need a beta reader

The first book in the series started when Harry was fifteen months old, and then jumped to before his eleventh birthday, which is when he got his Hogwarts letter.

This is definitely an Alternate Universe story, for everyone concerned, all three genres, but I think I can make it work.

With Callie and Sirius teaching the Colonials about magic, as well as testing some of their kids for it so they can be taught as well, they will also be teaching them about the political climate, Wizarding Society in Britan, pureblooded attitudes in Britain, as well as the political situation with the Mundane Society (I never liked the term Muggles; it's very racist).

Harry, in the meantime, will grow up with Boxey for a protective older adopted cousin, find lots of friends in his playgroup, and charms the stodgy members of the Quorum of Twelve. (Cuteness is a weapon; don't be afraid to use it if you've got it, and he's a real cutie.)

I'm trying to pair Starbuck off in the third chapter with someone, seeing as how I had him and Cassie break up. It isn't going to be Athena, she's waaaayy too dominant for him, and all of the women in the fleet know about his habits, so it can't be one of them.

Would you like to take a look at the chapters I have so far, and let me know what you think?

I could really use some input here.
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