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Old February 10th, 2004, 05:57 AM   #123
Retired or am I?
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Special Effects Artist
Battlestar Galactica 2003
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Join Date: Dec 2000
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Posts: 2,527


Nice post Fedaykin. Thanks for the analogy from across the pond.

I know for a fact there are a ton of people that love the new mini. I for one had a part in it as most well know here. I did some of the FX for the show and quite frankly there are parts of it i like.

I'll try to explain a bit about why there's been such an uproar from the original series fans. Actually there's a couple that burn me. First off, Galactica's original run had alot of holes. In fact there were some really really bad episodes in that first season but in today's televison that's almost a given now. Enterprise for a matter of fact still is having first season blues but it has gotten better. Maybe not enough to save it but it's better. Funny thing is they've gotten 4 years to improve it and it's gone basically nowhere. Galactica never had that chance. Probably one of the best produced episdoes of Galactica (The Hand of God) was unfortunately the last. Although some believe that it's a great thing that Galactica was reimagined never seen the Nielsen ratings back then. Galactica, even with it's bad eps, was continuely in the top 10. Today that would be a MAJOR hit. Back then you had to be there just to stay on tv in most cases. All we had back then were the big 3. Basically no sindication and nowhere else for Galactica to go. Once it was determined the cost was just to great the show was dropped. Having realized after the fan outcry did ABC rethink it's stance. By then it was to late. The Bridge had already been destroyed. Do you realize folks that portions of the bridge are still buried on Universal's lot's? It was DeSanto's vision to dig this stuff back up and actually see if he could ressurect some of the old pieces. What a guy. But that's the number one thing here. Galactica gave a incredible showing it's first time around and the premis and look needed to be just honed. Not torn down and reimagined. Fix it and bring it to todays' standards and this show would be spectacular. Like i said, we were 30 days from seeing this happen until Hammer got her hands on the property. So much for that.

Then there's scifi and the guys like Ron Moore. In most cases why would you not reach out and listen to the fans about anything? Alot will say he stayed true to the original concept but in essance he tore the house down. I want dramatic in my scifi, not silence. Space combat realistic is fine but this is science fiction, i don't want it to make sense. Some will double analyze that and rip it apart to combat that analogy, but it's scifi. Escape escape escape. I've said it before and i'll say it again, i do not watch science fiction for realism. Once you bring realism into the picture it becomes fiction. Who cares if it wouldn't work that way? I want heart pounding music, laser effects, explosion and thrusters! Not dead silence. I'll turn off the tv if i want silence. I want an explosion that will rock my mind and rock my tv. I don't want this popcorn fart of an effect tickleing my mind and my tv speakers. Give me dramatic every day. It's why i go to the movies. That's why movies like Lord of the Rings are so dynamic. Isn't that what David Eick tried to portray? If he was he severly missed.

I want the Galactica, not something that looks like your next "ribbed for your pleasure product". I want what alot of fans wanted and chance to expand on what was, not start over and attempt to build the franchise again from the bottom up. It will be very difficult for scifi to accomplish this. There out for a dollar, they have none at the moment and are finding it difficult already to accomplish there goals of a series. If the dedication was there it would have been a done deal already. I find it disturbing for the mini fans who have to rely on the scifi channel to lead this new show. If Scifi cannot find the right amount of dollars to accomplish this now what does that say for the future of Galactica at all? Will budget cuts and lack of money once again undermine what Galactica could be? Can you honestly say it would be worth it to the present new fanbase to only have 6 new episodes? What would that accomplish? Nothing. It would once again leave every Galactica fan hanging for answers just like the original fans have been for almost 30 years.

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