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Old January 20th, 2006, 11:07 AM   #1
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Default Exodus CD#2 - Almost

I've been given a 4-5 week delay in my schedule, which was already pretty tight. I tried to work in enough Exodus editing time in the past week to finish CD#2 but sadly wasn't able to finish the last track prior to this delay. Consequently, I'll be unavailable until the latter part of Feb.

Track 1 of this CD is the same story element as the recently released Bonus track. I've remastered the cut (fixed a couple of sound levels and added a couple of sound effects). Track 2 gives a bit more background with the Cylons and explains why they hate humans and need to destroy them. Track 3 is where the actual story starts to pick up and IMO, is some of the best stuff Bill's done to date.

Yes, this is where many should say, "Sandy, you bastard! You mean to tell me that all of this so far was just the setup!" To which I would have to say, "Why yes it was". There was a specific reason Exodus began with heavy background and narrative and I didn't opt to start with Pythagorus on a whim. I believe listeners will forgive me for choosing this tactic as the story unfolds.

The three latest tracks can be downloaded from:

If you missed the beginning of Exodus, you can catch up by downloading the files located here:

As always, I greatly welcome feedback, good and bad, as to what worked for you and what didn't.

I respect French maids for their minds.
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