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Old March 17th, 2004, 07:56 AM   #207
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Originally Posted by Rowan
Well I had to share this with you guys...
Remember I told you a little about the "great teachers" we have at my school and some of my problems well recently there has been a great deal of turmoil in my semester and the students got together and wrote a letter of complaint to the entire nursing department. I t was unanimously agree to by the entire student body of 4th semester! Here is the Assistant deans response to that letter.

Dear Debbie and the entire Semester Four student Body: (please forward this to all the
students if you like):

I have just received the semester IV letter and I am so very, very proud of the work that
you have collectively produced. As I read the letter, I could not help but feel my heart
swell with pride at the amazing work you have all done. The letter is professional,
constructive, very respectful and very, very hopeful.

I want to thank you for receiving me into "your" classroom and for sharing your
thoughts. It took courage and trust in yourselves and in me.

This process of finding your voices began on February 25th...and I am hoping that
through this very process, you have not only found your voice, but that you are
beginning to feel empowered .This letter certainly signals so.

I want to thank you, for your time and effort in "crafting" the letter.
The letter's language is articulate and sophisticated. If I had to grade this letter is would
get an A+!....

I want to share one of my favorite persons in history, a cultural anthropologist named
Margaret Mead. She has inspired me with her vision and her sense of humanity.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world:
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has".
Margaret Mead.

Thank you for the priviledge of hearing your voices. I am hoping to be invited to your
class at the end of term so we can touch base...over coffee and cookies perhaps?
It will be on me!!


Silvia RN, BSc.N, MA
Assistant Dean
Faculty of Health Sciences

I'm pretty proud of them! what a great group of students
I'm Proud of YOU and of THEM! Signing that letter let alone writing it
took alot of courage for you and the other students to do. You are my
HERO girl
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