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Old August 2nd, 2006, 09:58 AM   #19
Colonial Story Teller
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Originally Posted by Sealtm2
I can remember making our own fun, our own games, using our imaginations. We built forts, made our own toy swords and used metal garbage can lids as shields. We played outside all summer long and even in the winter when we could. We went fishing, played sports, did cub scouts, weblows and boy scouts. It was a great thing to have been an Eagle scout. T.V. was watched very little we had books, drew pictures, made things with our hands, climbed trees. I can remember making parachutes from my hankies, some thread from mom's sewing box and a clothes pin as the paratrooper and we were happy with the toys we did get. There were no video games, gameboys, ipods and things like that to entertain us.

You were expected to obey the law, your parents, elders you didn't talk back to them. You would have never even thought to strike your parents. If you were bad you were punished you didn't have some one telling you that you were breaking your child's will. Not like now where they have no boundaries, manners or respect life. We were spanked but that didn't turn us into mass murders, child abusers and criminals. There is a big difference from a swat on the bum to remind you that you were out of line and that your parents gave a damn to beating a child to a pulp out of hate and anger by parents that could give a felgercarbe about you. Many of the bad kids I grew up with had parents that didn't care where they were or what they were into.

I fear for the young people today for many have no direction and the ones that do are made fun of. We are giving our future into the hands of a self centered, spoiled, hateful and mis-guided generation.
Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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