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Old March 7th, 2004, 09:08 AM   #1
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Default Making our own continuation ????

Hi all,

This room of Colonial Fleets is called 'What Dreams May Come' I like many others have signed the petitions and hoped that we might get a continuation.....

As we wait, and more episodes of the re-imagining are commissioned, I worry that we may never seen a continuation happen. I don't want to be defeatist, but....

I know there is all the hopes to do with Larson's various Battlestar Projects. A film set onboard the Battlestar Pegasus, a Battlestar Atlantis project etc. I don't know what is wrong with the Battlestar Galactica, but I worry that we may never see a continuation set onboard her.....

If it is possible we may never see these dreams come true as made by others... Could we make our own ????

I was really impressed with the work on the Foundation Galactica file we have downloaded. The Battlestar Millennia project, and David Moss's work has all been great. There is also a crossover battle called galactic.mpg which is Excellent....

With all this skill and talent WITHIN the fanbase, which has been so dissappointed by the efforts of 'the powers that be' can't we make our own ?

Made by the fans, for the fans, as the fans want it to be.....??????

If you take all the time spent on talking about it, signing petitions, writing letters, fan fiction, making various fanfilms, and audio continuations and put them all together into one effort to make our own Battlestar Galactica Continuation episode, it could work......

I'll admit more of the work might fall on some more than others, depending on talents, but at the end we would have what we have always wanted....

The 'Powers That Be' might take notice if the fans bypass the studio and make one for themselves as they are sick of waiting......

I'd be very interested in the thoughts of others on this ????

Best Wishes,

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