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Old June 10th, 2006, 03:14 PM   #1
Colonial Story Teller
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Default Martok is back with RockBox.....again...

Well folks, I'm back once again with the band I initially joined when I first moved down here.

It's a long sordid story.

I remember telling ya'll about how I damn near got fired from my gig after losing my temper on stage, but for which I was given a clean slate. Then, the chick singer in one of the bands I was in (the band which I was getting the most nights out of) decided to ignore the clean slate I was given, and have me fired from her band anyway (a move the others didn't exactly like....but she had the ear of the musical director, so it was a lost cause for me there.)

However, at that time, one of the singers in RockBox asked if I could take over Thursday nites for him, which I was all to happy to do. So, I had thursdays with RockBox, then Sundays with a daytime band (with a chick singer who blew my other chick singer out of the water). I was doing quite okeeday with this setup.

The cool thing was, my status also allowed me to do subwork if another band's singer needed a break...and it would seem I was at the top of the list to be the sub everyone looked for. So, there would be times I would sub in for one of RockBox's singers on other days, and occasionally, another band.

Well, then my stock started going up again.

The music director asked me if I could sing on Sunday afternoon, and then take over for him on Sundays with the evening band in another club. I would also sing with my daytime band for two sets (ninety minutes) I was singing with three bands on Sunday, from 2PM until closing time that evening. This went on for a couple of weeks.

Well, just the Friday before last, the singer who asked me to take over for him on Thursdays quit RockBox (right in the middle of a gig, no less.) So now I'm back with RockBox. For how long, who knows? As I understand it, the two guys that are generally in charge of the band (bassist and drummer) are tending to lean toward someone else to permanently take over. But both guitar players and the other singer want me in the band.

The bands I was playing with on Sunday wasn't exactly happy with the decision either. One of the evening bands is stuck with a singer that they don't really like...and they want me back in a bad way.

Feels nice to be needed so badly.

I still go down and watch those bands on my breaks, to let them know that I do hope to be with them again at some point. And the other two chick singers I get to work with when I do...they're awesome...and we make great teams. My boss is proud of me too.

Wish me luck. My voice is gonna need it.

Don't be a fan. Don't be a victim!-Martok2112
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