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Old November 24th, 2005, 05:03 AM   #194
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Default nov 23 episode

Last night's episode was MUCH better! At last, something happened and the story moved forward! And I noticed that the whole hatch storyline was pretty much ignored and no one seems too concerned about it, other than the fact that there are medicines and clean clothes stored there and that one of the guys went and pressed the countdown button. I guess the writers discovered that viewers thought that whole countdown idea was stupid.
I still hate Ana Lucia and really don't know what the purpose of her storyline is supposed to be. She seems to be nuts, and it's still not been made clear why everyone is so intimidated by her. Yes, she had the gun, but there were a bunch of people around her, including several large men, who could have easily overpowered her, so why didn't they?
I was SOOOO glad that Bernard and Rose were reunited. I was getting concerned that the writers would kill off one or the other just before they got together, and if that had happened, I would have stopped watching then and there and never returned to the series.
I noticed that you could see the back of Scott/Steve during the reunion scenes, so I am glad he is still around.
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