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Old July 7th, 2004, 07:38 AM   #76
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Default making my own director's cut

It would be nice, but I’m not waiting for a re-release or a "director's cut". Working with the DVD material and the soundtracks, I just started ripping to “Lucas-ize” TOS. I plan to re-edit the entire series, inserting and moving scenes to include more of the good stuff they cut out, and (hopefully) fixing some of the continuity errors and disconnects that exist. My partner in crime and I are kicking around whether or not leave it in series format, or present it in miniseries format, in two-hour chunks. If we can find some help with digital animation (neither of us is too familiar, and I don’t want to take the time to learn) that doesn’t look too different from the footage originally shot, we want to add and clean up some FX shots, including some interiors such as hanger bay shots, etc.

Unfortunately, since I am doing this with copywrited material, distributing the product to other fans might prove problematic. Its something I’ll have to research more carefully.

This is a pre-curser project to a fan film that I’m hoping to kick into production sometime next year, which will be a continuation.

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