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Old May 4th, 2004, 10:04 PM   #48
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But, again, it becomes greater than the sum of its parts. At the metaphysical level, in the realm of self-awareness, your mind can function in a process of cause without effect, and effect without cause. Imagination does the impossible of creating something from nothing, substance from the insubstantial. Your thoughts follow set patterns and at the same time race off along tangents that have nothing to do with the cause of the thought.
proximo, I really enjoyed reading this and it has aspects of the spiritual in it. I also enjoyed your reference to art in this debate. Interesting tangents.

I dont understand how the agruement surrounding the free will is conected to forms of government. Futher to that it seems like it took on morale aspects to that effect. If human brains are effected by physics and our free will is limited isn't this a scientific arguement not a morale arguement? There have been many different types of societies, everyone of them produced by the human brain. So if we have free will or not(or even occaisionally we have inspired moments of free will) these societies are all products of this brain.
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