Thread: Rock the Vote
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Old May 1st, 2004, 10:28 AM   #60
Antelope's Avatar
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I was afraid we were going to scare you away! I am enjoying your responses even if I disagree with most of them. I will use your quote of:

What good is it knowing how to fish if noone wants to employ a fisherman.

That is hilarious.

On the serious side I can't really figure out where you are at. You write a lot of stuff that seems to support government controlled socialism. You write stuff that seems to support a return to a tribal premodern society. You write stuff that seems to be in opposition to individual property rights but then also is opposed to government regulation. I don't know where you are getting at. It seems you advocate some kind of return to a premodern tribal society with no property rights and no government (although isn't the chief the government?) I don't want to put words in your mouth so please let me know exactly what kind of system would you like to see. At present I am confused by your writings because they seem to advocate things that oppose themselves.

Personally this is what I want:

Free trade throughout the world. I would make exceptions for items nations agree are important for national defense and human survival in times of famine.

The government is responsible for public safety and infrastructure development (roads,sewers,etc.). The government is NOT responsible for any kind of wealth transfer from one living person to another. In other words no welfare, social security or unemployment checks from the government. If you want to pay into a private insurance policy regulated by the government for those needs that would be your own business.

The government would be responsible for the primary education of the country. All students will be tested during their last year of high school. The top ten percent on the standardized test will get a government funded university education. All others will receive no government funded education aid. They are free to go to college if they pay for it themselves.

The role of government in business will be to enforce environmental standards and to break up monopolies. In the U.S. all federal government land except military installations would be returned to the states the land is in. This would be the majority of the land West of the Mississippi River.

Everyone who makes less than the national average income would pay no federal taxes. Everyone who makes more than the national average income will pay for all government expenses based on an equal percentage tax with no exemptions. Only those that pay taxes will have the right to vote. Upon death all money inherited by anyone other than a spouse in excess of 20 times the national average income will be taxed at 75% to eliminate the potential of a heriditary oligarchy forming.

That's my utopia at the moment. It wouldn't be perfect but a good start.
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