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Old April 19th, 2004, 11:23 AM   #6
Master of Spiderwebs
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Location: Redondo Beach, CA, USA
Posts: 42


The Pyramid spokesman swept into the press room to a cavalcade of flash-bulbs and questions. He was followed by a pair of military officers in dress uniforms.

"Good afternoon, I will read a short statement, after which I will be avaliable for further questions, as will Commander Amadus of the Explorator Corps and Colonel Tycohn of the Hasarian Relations Commitee"

"Early this morning, one of our exploratory fleets at the Cyrannus jump point intercepted Hasari military transmissions. These transmissions indicated that a large scale attack by an unknown enemy was underway. We have been unable to make contact with the Caprican Embassy on Hasari, but rest assured. This unprovoked and brutal assault on our ally will not go unpunished. Caprica will stand by our allies in this time of peril, and we ask our fellow colonies to join in efforts to avenge this dastardly invasion."

"We will now take questions"

and the room rose as one, clamouring for attention.
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