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Old April 11th, 2004, 08:36 PM   #15
The 14th Colony
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Originally Posted by jewels
BST, I understood 14th too.

14th that was totally cool! I want to see your theory on lightships and the dimensions they move in, sometime. I've always thought that was fun, though Madeline L'Engle is a favorite author of mine.

God exists outside of time. He is infinate, time is finite; therefore he is outside it, over it. Eternity is larger than time as it existed before time began and will exist after it ends. To see how God can both know the future perfectly and not dictate our decisions look at time like this: Eternity is an infinite geometric plane. Time is a finite line on that plane. God overlooks the plane and can see the entire span of time. He can see each person's beginning, life and end. Better yet: because he is outside of and not limited by time he can interact with any point on that line all the way down to the levels of the atoms that make up the line--the milliseconds of one person's life.

Anyway, that's my little bit of time theory. Unless you want to know my completely untheological theory of "when" God's Eternal Kingdom starts. Hehe. It has a lot to do with God being outside time.
Yeah, I used to say that life was a movie that we the characters only see a frame at a time, but that God is the writer, director, producer, casting agent, lighting and sound tech, scenery and set designer, editor, ect., and he sees the whole movie at once. If I'm right regarding your theory about God's kingdom, it always has been and always will be.

I don't want to go too far with this concept because I have been away from the path a long time, but when I was on fire as a believer I theorized that heaven and hell exist at the same time and location as earth, much like my concept about past, present, and future coexisting, but that you could only experience one or the others at once. I compared the 3 places like alternate dimensions located in the same plane of existance. Take your television, for instance, and consider only traditional TV reception or satelite dish reception rather than cable, for this example. The TV is tuned to channel 6 and only channel 6. Yet, channel 2-99 all exist at the same time in the same place, right there where your TV is drawing channel 6 from. But you only experience channel 6 because that is what your channel knob is tuned to. You cannot see, hear, or be aware of any other channel than what your TV is set on, even though all the channels are existing at once in the same place. That was my concept for heaven, hell, and Earth, being like channels that were recieved and felt only seperately and only one at a time. Humans could only experience this "channel", because we didn't have the power of God to change the channels and see and feel the other two channels. But if God chose, he could turn a knob and suddenly we would be in Heaven or hell in an instant, because our plane of existance would be changed. Maybe that is what the rapture will be, that moment of spiritual transformation.

That concept is similar to my view of alternate dimensions and universes. There could be several, or thousands, of alternate universes overlapping each other like varied television or radio signals, existing at once in the same place, but only experience-able to matter and energy tuned to that particular universe channel. The fantastic ability to open doors connecting one alternate universe to another would bring new meaning to the Universal-Remote channel changer!

Regarding lightships and how they travel in my stories, I have ideas involving alternate dimensions, that come from one of my stories, but I'll mention that later rather than now. Or now since it's the same as later, but it'll be later before you read the now. Heh heh.
There may be only one God in heaven, but to a writer, we're gods of the worlds we create on paper.

If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a bowling ball...because that's how I roll.

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