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Old April 6th, 2004, 10:41 AM   #14
Eric Paddon
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The most tolerable episode of the Terra Trilogy thanks to Colicos' presence and also the fact that it's credited to Bellisario instead of Larson from a writing standpoint.

The downside is that this is the only episode of the series where the Council goes from being misguided to out and out stupid, and it really weakens the series as a whole IMO. Sire Uri in Saga was a formidable adversary type for Adama when it came to clashes with the Council but this time they're being drawn as cartoon idiots for the heck of it and that just doesn't work IMO. Why is the Council so determined to treat the Alliance prisoners with kid glove VIP treatment? They would have had to be blindly stupid to not understand the implications of what was reported to them about the destruction of Paradeen, unless they're all so pissed off over the events of "Greetings From Earth" that they're not going to believe anything Apollo and Starbuck say. (Speaking of which, it's a serious continuity lapse to not have Council members established in previous episodes like Sire Geller return this time out).
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