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Old April 4th, 2004, 10:39 AM   #26
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I'll linger long enough to answer this since you took the time to write it. I respect your opinion and can even understand it. You aren't aware of the long history and stresses. I can understand why you see the things you do.

Thomas is aware of the past. He should be very, very aware of the character of the people he's insulting. Out of moderate respect for him, I haven't drug out the events that made him feel uncomfortable in other circles. He is hardly the innocent bystander he's portraying, nor are the people he's insulting quite a out of line as he's indicating. Since you don't know the history, IMO, you can't judge whether my comments are accurate or not. Consequently, you don't have a basis to indicate whether I am dead on correct or a raving idiot. I'm likely somewhere in between.

I am not trying to get an infighting underway. Thomas knows fully well why I say take it up with Don. I would be very, very, very surprised if Don (the owner) had any different opinion than the one I'd expressed. I've always known Don to take full responsibility for everything at CF. Never once has he ever pointed the finger to someone else and made them responsible for his actions.

Telling Thomas to take things up with Don isn't an insult or a slam. Its simply a statement of fact. Don holds the keys. Don makes the decisions. I have ZERO influence over Don other than just being a guy with an opinion. I respect Don and know he doesn't push his actions off on others. I'm personally tired of Thomas trying to do that with people at .

I came into this "house" to offer an apology. Undoubtedly, I directly that too widely believing that the people who deserved the apology would know who I was talking about. It wasn't an open invitation for everyone to toss blame for their past actions onto me or I don't intend to insult anyone, Thomas or otherwise. I also don't intend to sit back and watch history be revised in front of me or to be portrayed as "hateful" by someone who actually knows better.

Thomas is correct when he said he was a strong supporter of He was a very strong supporter and there was a time I valued his opinion and input a great deal.

I was raised to be both respectful and truthful in other people's home. I was also raised to believe that if you come into a home as a guest, you deserve to be treated with a certain level of respect. You're also not expected to conform to a certain opinion and restrict your conversations to send a specific message, which is what we faced once Thomas believed he had certain job opportunites that might open up before him if he were more supportive of the miniseries. Once he embraced that belief, his former associates became inconvenient. For him, we were suddenly a problem and he treated us as one. He now resents us for it. If you're given insults in someone else's home, you leave, which is what many of us did.

Thomas said he was afraid he was getting the "cold shoulder". He caused the situation and he refuses to try to correct it. He refuses to accept responsibility for events that he should accept. In that, he has made a decision and is in a situation he created himself and maintains on his own. I'm glad he enjoys interaction with so many new friends. He's lost a number of them along the way. Hopefully, he finds the new ones better to his liking than the flawed, hateful people he had to deal with before.

I did think your post deserved a reply. I take some responsibility for all of this. I earned that when I returned here against my better judgement. I know that for some, I've come here from out of the blue. I didn't think that Eric and Thomas would use the apology as a platform for their whines. Poor judgement on my part. I blame myself for labeling the thread "To all" and starting any dialog here in the first place.

Now you have some background. Enjoy whatever opinions you wish to form.

You are correct when you said I probably wouldn't care about you loosing respect for me. I don't know you and don't really care what strangers think of me, one way or the other. I do apprciate the comment though. Its about the only thing I've seen written about me in this thread that I thought was even remotely accurate.

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I respect French maids for their minds.
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