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Old April 4th, 2004, 09:01 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by TwoBrainedCylon
For those who were unaware, I'm experiencing a number of personal and professional stresses that have shifted my focus throughout the Battlestar Galactica community. I've stepped away from some things and limited my involvement in others. I've also taken on a few, as yet, undisclosed projects. This has forced me to turn the core of the BBoard to Peter, Erik, and Michelle, all of whom do an outstanding job running the board from day to day. I am very thankful for each of them.

Recently, I've lashed out at several who likely didn't deserve the responses I gave them. More rational minds than mine have illustrated that I've been unduly and uncharacteristically harsh with some over the past couple of months. I am ashamed and I apologize. Whether you might have been the target of my actions or a bystander I give my sorrow. I never intend to be unjust or needlessly harsh to anyone. If my actions have tainted your feelings about the Cylon Alliance then I am doubly sad. I'm very proud of the moderator staff there and don't wish my actions to negatively influence their daily work or limit the interactions of our members.

If you've stepped away from the Cylon Alliance, I humbly asked you to give it another chance. We miss your contributions, your perceptions, your arguments, and your knowledge. is a community center, not any single person's empire. The community is weakened when good people are driven away by my lack of judgement or failure to understand your side of an arguement. Its never my intention to be Imperialistic nor is it in my character. I have always valued contrary opinions to mine, whether they be strong ones or mild disagreements. That hasn't in any way change. If I've given any impression otherwise, I am sorry.

I also hope my poor conduct hasn't alienated anyone from the good work being done through the Colonial Fan Force ( Bill, Peter, and John have worked hard to bring substance to the dream that most Galactica fans share. They deserve our full support and I'm proud to host part of their effort at .

Again, I apologize for my recent conduct and would like to see any whom I've distanced return. For those who might have merely been busy with their schedules, we'd like to see you come back and engage us as well.

Please pass this apology along as freely as possible for all to see.

"Saving the Future's Past"
I'll keep you in my prayers Sandy for better days ahead
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