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Old April 4th, 2004, 08:48 AM   #21
Imperious Leader
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I am not nor was I ever "hateful". If you were, that's your own business. Don't try to drag me into your boat or include me in your feelings of absolution.

Your perceptions seem so far off base that I see no point in discussing them. I believe you were wrong in practically every point you posted.

I posted my apology here to ensure those who should see it had the best chance to do so.

I'm personally tired of your whining about how poor little Thomas was minding his own business and the bad people at picked on him. People voiced an opinion and concerns about your poor judgement in how you were running CF. You didn't like it. Don made the rest of the decisions. If you didn't like what was happenning at CF then take it up with Don. He alone holds responsibility for all of those actions. If you didn't like how people felt, take it up with yourself. You alone are responsible for that. Nobody at CA had anything to do with the management at CF. It doesn't speak well for your character that you insist on diverting blame away from where it should lie. At, responsibility for changes or pulling the plug should that happen begins and ends with me. If I don't like how the moderators run the board I correct them or remove them. If I do, I defend them. People's opinions are irrelevant. I am the sole guy responsible. At CF, Don is the sole guy responsible. Perhaps if you had dealt with him directly instead of trying to sneak around behind his back on so many issues your "hard work" would never have been threatened in the first place. Regardless, the issue lies with you and Don and nobody else. Stop trying to push it off on us.

You were the primary reason I stopped interacting with CF. I have little use for someone intent on portraying me as angry or hateful. I am neither and frankly don't need you to serve as the Ted Gorospe stand-in. I've answered more than enough false charges from him under his numerous personalities. I'm absolutely not going to start defending false claims against my personality from you. Your description of me is totally inaccurate. Your description of others at is equally inaccurate. I'd appreciate it if you stopped trying to describe us since you are so completely off-base.

I doubt I have much else to say to you.

Sorry Don, I'm probably pretty well finished at CF. As you know, I'm a busy guy and I don't need this sort of crap.

I respect French maids for their minds.
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