Thread: In Harm's Way
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Old March 25th, 2004, 03:37 PM   #83
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(There are no winners and losers at Colonial Fleets just fellow fans who may see things from a different point of view from time to time!)

You are right of course. Perhaps it is that I was 'hurt' by what RDM did to BSG, something I had loved all my life. Then he did that to it...... Then I realise that what he did to it wasn't even his own creativity, but another's......

I have being trying to come up with fan fiction, working things out in my head. If something comes into my head that I recognise from somewhere else, I always dump it....

But it would seem this is not the case in the professional world.... As I read all of the MANY similiarities between to two creations, I wondered why 'writers' are needed anymore. Why don't they just put it in a washing machine, as see what new comes out of what already exists.....

I think this shows a lack of creativity, from someone who has damaged BSG in my view, and hurt my childhood favorite.....

I give Antelope my greatest thanks for bringing this to the fleets attention...............
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