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Old March 13th, 2004, 06:08 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Sci-Fi
Jessica Steen did an excellent job as Dr. Weir. It remains to be seen how Torri Higgenson handles the role. Dr. Weir will be moving to SG:Atlantis and will be in charge of that project. A lot of fans thought Steen brought the bantering between characters back into SG1 and could have been a possible interest for Jack (no military regulations to violate as with Sam). Could have been interesting for awhile before the character moves to Atlantis.

SG1 needed to change because of RDA desire to spend more time raising his daughter. So promoting Jack to General (rumor, not confirmed yet) and putting him in charge of the SGC explains his absence in the episodes much better. There's a lot of speculations to what happens to Hammond and what his new job will be (Vice President replacing Kinsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Commander of all Space Forces/Fleet, Head of all SG projects, Head of the NID, etc.), BUT I expect to see him do guest appearances throughout Season 8. Remember, Don S. Davis and Teryl Rothery's contracts weren't renewed/extended for Season 8, so guest appearences (saves the studio money) and character deaths may have been decided by TPTB.

Ronny Cox stated in interviews that Kinsey will be a big part of Season 8, so it may get interesting and SG1 may get darker, maybe more X-Files like stories. Who is Kinsey really working for and who is behind it all?

Also, expect to see Ishta (Jolene Blalock) back in a few episodes.

Anubis couldn't have been killed off so easily, so expect to see him back with a vengeance (ala Apophis).
I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvve the SPOILER
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