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Old March 9th, 2004, 10:53 AM   #118
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Originally Posted by Dawg

There's no need to get hot and bothered over recognizable themes and concepts that gave rise to TOS episodes. I'd bet real money that, in the upcoming series, Moore does exactly the same thing.
Thank you Dawg for repeating the point I have been trying to make. Retelling an old story in a new setting simply tells us the power and relevance of the source theme. Many stories are universal for all time.

The easy answer is "Yes it is similar but it is not the same".

If you step back I think we can all see that West Side story was very original but it was still inspired by Romeo and Juliet. I think the same can be said for Battlestar Galactica and most other scifi and stories in general.

Hell in the Pacific may have inspired The Return of Starbuck but the relevance of the theme also meant that a few years later it was made into another scifi classic, Enemy Mine. I think they all have a similar theme, very different settings, and yet were all great in their own right!