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Old March 8th, 2004, 12:33 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by monolith21
I don't take much offense until someone tries to lump those of us who continue to support the original concept into one tidy little package to hide away in the corner. We won't be happy with anything he does? 100% Not true. If Ron Moore were to write an amazing script tomorrow that was closer to the original concept I'm sure he could win over the most skeptical fan.

I'm seeing a trend of dismissal amoungst fans of the new show. They seem to think that we won't be happy unless the show comes back exactly the way it was. I think something has been lost in the translation here. If these people think that we want nothing new....just the same 70's hair cuts and uniforms and ship designs transported twenty five years intot he future I think they haven't done their homework.

We had our hopes built up for something grand and what we were given was something far inferior. The DeSanto project was not a carbon copy of the old show, but it certainly was a logical progression of where it would have gone and it was certainly more true to the original than what we were presented with last December.

I think you will find that 90% or more of the "minifans" support the original concept, TOS. Most also support a continuation.

Actually I am amazed that most "TOS only fans" seem to never voice any interest in continuing the original series. I would rather see a season 2 than any of the mentioned 20+ years in the future continuations. What is wrong with getting new actors to play the old characters? There does seem to be an element in the anti-mini crowd that wants to have nothing but the original actors (at least Hatch and/or Benedict) in a continuation only.

Thus far the only "hopes for something grand" out there was the Desanto version. We have no actual scripts. From what I see of Desanto we have kept the TOS mythos but changed the story to a Star Trek Borg war scenario. I would watch and support it but I don't see this version being a "better" Battlestar than what we are getting now with Moore.

Just because something keeps 100% of the mythos doesn't mean its any good...just look at BSG1980.

Just for grins: Since we only know a limited back story to the Moore version, who's not to say that his version is not set thousands of years into the future in the same 12 colonies after the cylon empire self destructed. The cylons and TOS are now just a myth. You could fit this into the TOS mythos if you wanted. If you want things to work or not work bad enough you could make or unmake anything.