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Old March 3rd, 2004, 03:31 PM   #46
BarrymoreYorke's Avatar
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Originally posted by Shiningstar:
many, many, many USELESS sex scenes
I'm sorry, this just confuses me. There's only ONE sex scene in the whole mini: The glowing spine scene with Number Six and Baltar, specifically. Anything else is either just kissing (Number Six and the Colonial officer at Armistice Station) or people starting to tear at each others' clothes (Chief Tyrol and Boomer). Tearing at clothes does not a sex scene make. There was more skin on display when Billy wandered into the shower room.

I mean, am I wrong here? How can I look at the mini and see only one sex scene, while someone else can look and see "many, many, many USELESS sex scenes"?

Besides, what WERE Starbuck and Cassiopea doing in that launch tube in "Saga of a Star World"?