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Old February 29th, 2004, 04:41 PM   #2
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WARNING: May contain comments that may be viewed as hositle. Please read entire post before passing judgement.

I guess we all have our own ways of looking at things and the way I see it, he was talking about those who "hated" his vision long before it even when on the air and were not even open minded to even watch the mini.

I believe this group is very small in number but they were the most distructive and loudest voice in TOS group. You said yourself the invitation to RM was "not" popular. Clearly an indication that minds were made up, 5 months before the min even aired. This in no way justify's the small group of mini fan who have taken it upon themselve to engage in a fanwar during this time.

Yes, he should have expect negative feedback from TOS fans but I am sure it went beyond that (personal threats and the like). In reading the interview transcript (and if accurate), it sounds to me, he was uncomformable with the issue (nervous laugh?).

One thing I have noticed about writers...they are good at what they do, but lousy at doing interviews. Maybe they should be given the questions in advance, and have them write their answers. But is that being honest or just Public Relation?

Did RM provide a poor choice of words? Yes. His comment are not helping those fans of the new mini as we try to bridge a friendly relationship with those of TOS series. He should have known better, having come from the world of Star Trek and its following of fan conventions over the years.

I now ask you was he recieved at the convention? How was his behavior? I did not attend but I heard it was favorable. If you and the fans had a great experience with wonderful memories, isn't that what matters? Certainly his remarks made many months later should not change that.

P.S. Having met with people who work at putting a Star Trek convention in my town, I have great appreciation for their dedication for puting it together. They are truly fans. I know you have made many wonderful friends and memories over the years. Your hard work help people find a place to have fun with others who share the same interest. Keep up the good work. It means a lot.

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