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Old February 25th, 2004, 06:36 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Gaelen
not at all allways good to get these kinds of things off our chests!

Hey Gemini (one of my favorite zodiac signs btw)
I've always understood it to mean that it "gets peoples attention" just an observation if you look at the board were this thread is posted and subtract the "stickys", and look, at the hits for each thread (I just stuck with the first page) 12 out of 47 threads rate higher than this one and most of those threads are considerably older than this one. The word Sex is in the title of this thread. We are curious by nature and wether or not we like what we see when we get there is irrelevant the thing is we looked, and that is all the advertizers are looking for. With regards to advertising; in school they explained the target audience is the person portrayed in the add. Advertizers must really have faith in this kind of advertising one has but to spend a few minutes fliping through a Maxim magazine to see how advertising has digressed by 30 yrs in there portaryal of women.(as if the whole womens lib thing never took place)
I think you've made some very good points here ............keep posting.
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