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Old February 25th, 2004, 05:27 PM   #38
Antelope's Avatar
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Regular television can only push things so far in the sex area because if all you care about is sex you can buy or rent all the porno you want. Since the sex on TV will never equal porno they have to keep some plot or loose their audience.

Violence is another story. Television is still seeing how much they can push this. If the FCC didn't stop them we would see all kinds of brutality. If it was publically acceptable we would still fill stadiums to watch the gladiators. Many recent movies like "Saving Private Ryan (A movie I liked very much)" and "Gladiator" show just how violent things can get. Now we can watch killings that are even "better" than the real thing.

Audiences haven't matured. We are just commercially back to giving the public what it has always wanted, blood lust and sex to fill the basest of curiosity and desire.
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