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Old February 24th, 2004, 08:10 PM   #99
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I for one would have no problem with the concept of a continuation movie. My problem is that I don't trust the guy with the rights--Larson. IMHO, BG was the only good thing he ever turned out. Now there's talk of walking Vipers? I have 3 words for that concept--Harmony Gold and Battletech. (For those who don't know, Harmony Gold holds the rights to the Robotech universe--with walking "transormable" fighters. FASA, who developed the Battletech universe, used the walking "transformable" figher concept, too. Harmony Gold sued FASA over the use of the concept and designs and won. If Larson tried to use the concept and Harmony Gold objected and sued, Larson's gonna lose.)

I also think that everyone is being too hard on Moore and not hard enough on Hammer. Yes, the mini that was aired was Moore's idea, but Hammer approved it. Without Hammer's approval, Moore & Company's ideas would have never amounted to more than ink on paper.
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