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Old February 24th, 2004, 08:09 PM   #30
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You know, I get tired of hearing the phrase "sex sells". Sells what? To whom? What kind of an audience? An even a bigger question - why? Storytelling and moviemaking got along just fine until 30-40 years ago with leaving us at the bedroom door and to our imaginations as to what happens next. I have friends that always say "Where's the (insert body part here)??" Why is that really necessary? Does it further plot? Not really - it's pure titallation to my mind. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prude or anything. I just get tired of hearing the same old excuses like "times are changing" and so on as an excuse for letting TV producers and filmmakers turn it into a free-for-all just to make a buck.

I recently heard (or read) someone say that "today's audiences are more sophisticated". Sophisticated? How is it sophisticated to want more "realistic" violence, bad language, naked bodies and sex acts in our entertainment? I think that society is actually taking a big slide and the entertainment industry is making money off of it at the same time by encouraging it and catering to the "worst' part of some people.

I remember when NYPD Blue started on ABC a number of years ago and it was heralded as "quality" TV show. The big deal over the show was the fact that you could get to see David Caruso's "not so attractive naked butt" on TV - and this was on a channel that is owned by Disney! What's "ABC" supposed to stand for? The "A**- Bearing-Channel"?

Sex may sell, but it's working on me... While I can deal with a bit of nudity now and then if the scene really "demands" it, the more graphic things get, the less I want to watch TV or go to a movie.

Okay....that was exhausting - I've had it on my mind since this thread started. I hope it didn't sound like rambling!

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