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Old February 23rd, 2004, 09:00 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by jewels
IDo you prefer romance without showing every last detail of the sex that *might* follow or do you like the openness or realism that shows like NYPD Blue (and others after it) showed with sex shown on screen.

Just want to see which way in general, you like relationship stories to be told. Being female (and the resident fleet Victorian to boot ) I of course like the romance--I can fill in the rest myself without needing to have it shown.

Just wondering where everyone falls on this? Which direction (if you could be the ivory tower TV exec ) would you want to take TV in general?

Well now that I wrote my answer and re-read your question and read cranky1c's eloquent explanation mine sounds very unsophisticated appologies

Ah my favourite subject… I very much agree with Dawg, the scene can’t just be plunked down for the sake of throwing in a sex scene then it just bores me. I do like the occasional very romantic and sweet scene but only in a movie it would bore me if it was a week to week occurrence. In a week to week programme I love tension filled, but I don’t want the will they won’t they stuff either. I never want the pair to be married or engaged, makes it too safe for me (I know in reality it’s different).

But I like so many different styles and it depends what I’m watching (the genre). I like Scenes that make my tummy do flip flops, my heart race and my breathing quicken… Off the top of my head I can name a few from movies that do one, two or all three of these things for me (don’t worry I’ll keep it pg13). The Last Emperor: The 3 of them together under the silk sheets. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid when Katherine comes into the bedroom and Robert is sitting in a chair holding his gun and tells her to undress, Dirty Dancing the look in Patrick’s face when Jennifer approaches him , then a little later when he runs his hand down over her breast. Hardly overt but I get more from the expressions on the actors faces and the tension in the moment or the suggestion than actually seeing any flesh (have a great imagination). For a TV show I like the way it was handled on Nakita. The “were not officially together’ but “we want each other”, but “we can’t show it to the world”, but “we get to be with each other every once in a while” thing they did. Perfect tension for me and a few steamy scenes, but never anything overt. I did very much like the scene between Tyrol and Boomer and it stopped at a good spot. Fired up the imagination and left me to it. But I do really enjoy seeing scenes that are a lot more "explicit", (and no, I’m not talking sexual x-rated stuff for a weekly program) I mean showing nakedness (as in the beauty of the human form, artistic ), vulnerability (especially in the man meaning this woman’s sexuality has a power over him), surrender (in the eyes), sensuality, passion, a certain amount of aggression like what we saw with Boomer/Tyrol. This is harder to explain than I thought and I cant’ think of a movie to give as an example, mind you I’m usually disappointed by sex scenes in movies. aannnyyywwaayys , to make a very long story short. For me with regards to a Sci- fi weekly TV program it’s not about the sex it’s about the SCI- FI, and if there is sex I want it to play a MINOR role. whew ! way to much information…

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