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Old February 15th, 2004, 11:15 AM   #22
Watashiwa Shin no Noir
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Richard Hatch

Join Date: Jan 2003
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"People liked the mini and wanted more."

Yes, but we've been repeatedly told that fans don't matter.

I'm not trying to be a wet blanket... in my experience of business (which may have nothing to do with Hollywood) bean counters look at tangibles.

My guess? I have the feeling that the decision makers give thier input to the bean counters, who either approve or not. These people (BC's) look at the stack of propositions, the proposed justifications for expenditute, and their overall bottom line. As far as influencing factors, I would guess that they would be things like controlling forces (like the execs who sign their checks), resources (like advertisers and promoters, who supply the cash to function), and political alliance (whoever they owe or want favors from).

I don't see this as excludigng the voice of the fans (consumers) though- it just has to be presented properly. The advertiser boycott was an excellent idea. A better idea, though, I think, would be to get a voice on the inside. Someone close to the decison makers, who can actually be lsitened to. Aaron is inside, to an extent. Don is, now. (Congrats!) Who else?

Whatever the goal, we need to focus on result, not on the players (on either side, expressing whatever opinion). There has been talk of blame on all sides, Milton's fault, now the fans' fault... this just wastes energy.

Yes, fans = money, but only if we paint a very clear picture for the bean counters and power brokers and favor mongers of exactly how that equation works.
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