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Old February 10th, 2004, 04:11 PM   #126
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Location: Walsall, UK
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Okay, lemme see.... (takes deep breath... - this'll be my first major comment on TOS vs. the mini - apologies in advance if I appear to tread on any toes )

I consider myself to be something within UK Galactica fandom (OK - just a small something, I've been a member of the 'Thirteenth Tribe' fan club for 5-6 years and have met the proprietors several times.) Unfortunately, the mini debate has virtually bypassed the club's newsletters (due to none being published during filming of the mini & the period leading up to and after the mini's US transmission). Anyhoo, on speaking - last October - to Vicky, the club's current leader, I was given the impression that the beating heart that drove the original Galactica had been replaced with something (while not altogether dissimilar) which has made the new show different enough to alienate longstanding fans. Some of the Sci-fi media, however have taken something of a different view - Perhaps, seeing the mini as a necessary update.

From my personal view-point, I feel that I must reserve true judgement until I actually see the mini - I have downloaded the script, seen clips, read articles and discussions, but I need to observe the mini's style - its feeling - its atmosphere - will it have the drive - the fire - the excitement - the humanity of its forebear, to entice me into it's universe. Maybe it will - Maybe it wont...

Only time will tell....

All the best,
Ian W359

PS - Sky, who are showing the mini in the UK is now running trailers. It appears that the mini is the lynch-pin of the 'Intergalactic Week' next week - and has created a CGI logo for the 'week' complete with Vipers coming out of launch tubes contained within!

Take a look at this, Sky's look at the mini -,00.html
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