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Old February 8th, 2004, 09:58 AM   #101
Fedaykin's Avatar
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Thanks all, nice meeting you in cyber space.

As I have already said until I see it I can't say wether I will enjoy it yet. What I have seen appeals to me so far partly because it reminds me of Babylon 5. The Uk release is a week monday and on that night I will go down to my friend Mikes house and watch it with some Beer and munchies. (Mike is a fully paid up trek fan with costumes and all sorts of memrobilia but like me always enjoys the prospect of a new show).

Once I have seen it I will give my views on whats good, bad and what needs to be improved. But if I find a shows pilot episode is flawed (four pilot episodes in the case of BSG)I still believe a TV company should still give a new show a series to improve or iron out the problems. It's amazing how many shows were nearly killed off in the first series or after the pilot then went onto success once the format had been fiddled with. The new BSG pilots had some of the highest viewing figures for a new show on Sc-Fi so I suspect that they will give it a chance on at least a season - which bodes well in my mind on the quality of the show.

If I do like it I will start a thread about the new show cast, plots etc - but not to complain about it's actual existance considering all ground has been covered in that respect over the last few years. I hope the moderator will allow that thread to develop in that respect and not allow it to be hijacked by anti's.


I know your views on the new show BST and I understand them but as I have said promotional material and draft scripts don't make up for actually sitting down and watching the show. Many a script can look poor on paper but once you have actors, music and special effects be great programs. Whilst many a great script and promotional junket can end up as a complete piece of tosh.(I will never forget the film "Reign of Fire". Adverts looked great, cast looked great, special effects looked great and the premise looked great but the film was a horrible dissapointment.)
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