Thread: We Do Matter
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Old December 13th, 2002, 06:34 AM   #1
David Kerin
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Default We Do Matter

I posted this over at Sci Fi and thought I'd share it here as well.

It is amazing that there are suddenly the new names here (and at Sci Fi) telling us it's over... give up, Ron has won and there is nothing you can do.

Frankly, aside from not believing that, I will continue protesting this up to, and beyond this production, if it actually happens.

Why, because Ron Moore does not know what made Battlestar special to the viewers. He wants to create A Show, and Battlestar is his means. He seems to think if there are a few familiar elements like names, now just call signals, and recognizable ships that we'll all be happy and love him.

Guess what, it was not the special effects alone or the mythologically influenced names that hooked us. It was the characters (their characteristics), their struggle, and the adventures that they took us through. The effects were nice, true, but that wouldn't hold the audience for 20+ years. (Buck Rogers had pretty effects too... who's really wanting that back?)

We love those characters that were created in that series. They are special. We know over 2 decades have passed and we wnat to see them where they are now, with the new younger characters who would have grown in space and joined the adventure.

Universal, you had a man who knows how to bridge the old with the new. Please the original fans while pulling in new ones. He also happened to produce a multi-million dollar franchise for another studio (I'm sure Fox is loving the millions he pulled in for them).

Please Universal... don't let this be the final nail in the coffin of Battlestar (do you want that?) Make this the grand rebirth that it should be, that the fans have been waiting for and will amaze the non-fans into watching. You have the opportunity.

Why would you turn away from the chance to have Tom DeSanto turn this into the multi million dollar franchise you want this to be.

The fans want him... have faith in him... and he has proven his ability.

Thanks for listening,

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