Thread: BSG Mini
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Old January 15th, 2004, 02:35 AM   #63
Shuttle Pilot
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Originally posted by antelope526
I agree with many of the points on this thread by both sides. I liked the mini, I liked TOS, and I would have liked a continuation. I think however that from a financial point Battlestar Galactica is at a crossroads.

If Moore's Battlestar becomes a series it will spell the end of any continuation effort no matter what we want to think. No one is going to finance something that appears to COMPETE with a successful Battlestar on SCIFI or where ever it appears.
You’re kidding?

If BSG or G2003 is greatly successful wherever, every hollywood type and his or her dog would be racing out of the woodwork to throw something on screen to cash in on it (if they can get around rights issues). Heck, BSG and Star Trek:TMP both originally got the greenlight by ABC because of the success of Star Wars. Competing projects come out all the time. What about ER and Chicago Hope, St Elsewhere, etc.?
What about Babylon 5 and DS9?

If Moore's version goes to series and fails people outside the world of Galacticon and colonial fleets will think Battlestar Galactica failed.

We will not see funding for anymore projects.
Basis of opinion?

If SCIFI fails to greenlight a series or another mini the purist will treat the mini just like we all do BSG80.
Hehehe. Some of us already do. :evil:

From a financial standpoint the mini appears to be a success.
As a standalone mini, I think (and I might be wrong here) it is regarded at SciFi/Universal as a marginal success. Certainly not enough of a success to garner a rubberstamp greenlight for series goahead.

Someone will see this and at some point in the next few years make another Battlestar Galactica. Whether it is a continuation of the original, a continuation of the Moore version, or a Battlestar Pegasus type story who knows. It will all depend on who pays and who writes the script.

What am I trying to say? If you want a continuation you need to hope that SCIFI does not greenlight a series.
I saw that as the case before the mini aired, but after the rights settlement between Glen and Universal, a continuation movie is no longer dependent on Universal and/or Scifi in any way. A continuation series on the other hand is a more complicated beast. Still, even that I think would be easily possible (even if G2003 goes to series) if the admittedly unlikely event of a major network ponies up a deal too good for Scifi or Universal to refuse (or if NBC decides it want some BSG lovin’ it could be a sweet deal indeed with potentially a BSG AND a G2003 series one on network the other on Scifi). Boggles the mind thinking of the possibilities if the desire/will is there.

If SCIFI does greenlight a series no matter what side you're on you better hope for it to be a success because it will be the only shot at new Galactica we are going to get.
As you can tell from my previous paragraph I see things somewhat differently on this matter.

Since the mini is based on an old movie maybe a new series would return to the themes of TOS. No matter what you think of the mini I would give a new series a chance. Moore is already talking about remaking "Living Legend".
This actually troubles me a bit, and is another reason I don’t favour the mini going to series.

Personally I thing Battlestar Galactica lives or dies in 2004-2005.
I think there are two chances of that being the case: Buckley’s and none.

We are on the same path as Star Trek. Success breeds opportunity but failure ends the franchise. No one is going to blame the script writers when they cancel Star Trek. I already heard Patrick Stewart says something to the effect that "Star Trek may have runs it's course." I just hope the Battlestar community is at the same point Star Trek was at the start of TNG not where Star Trek is today.
BSG will not die so long as it has fans, and the same is true of Star Trek. In Star Trek’s case, I think the franchise is hamstrung by the killer bees at the moment, but they will not be there forever.

Originally posted by Hito
It is interesting you say that becasue the equivalent of TOS BSG fandom or "pureists" in X-Men fandom thought both movies were garbage.
Say whaaat? Excuse me, but I am an X-Men purist and I adored both X-Men movies. They were certainly NOT garbage in any way, shape or form.

And even tho you might say well they didnt change the sex of anyone or it stayed thematicaly true to the source material.
What was changed was as imoirtant to them as what was changed from TOS to the mini was to TOS fans.
I think the ONLY people who think that are those who don’t appreciate that not everything from the comics can be adapted to fit into one or two movies.

The only gripe I had with the XMen adaptation was that Rogue didn’t possess her Ms Marvel powers, and Anna Paquin’s accent was not well done (at least the cartoons did the accent justice imo).
However, she otherwise portrayed a "young Rogue" better imo than the "young Rogue" flashbacks in the XMen comics themselves, so I find that forgiveable, especially since the XMen continuity has suffered a few big hiccups in the comics themselves, even within the Claremont era!
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