Thread: In Harm's Way
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Old January 13th, 2004, 04:55 PM   #12
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Default The McConnells = Apollo/Starbuck

Two of the most noble characters in "In Harm's Way" are LTJG McConnel and his wife. They tried in the mini to preserve their storyline through the characters of Apollo and Starbuck. The way they spliced and combined characters however weakened the potential it had.

LTJG McConnel (in this case Starbuck) commands the destroyer (viper) that defends the cruiser (Galactica) during the initial attack. He (She) destroys the enemy submarine (raider) but can not stop the torpedo (missile) strike starting the hull breach.

LTJG McConnell (now Apollo) goes missing in action. His wife (Starbuck) now fears he was killed. LTJG McConnel (Apollo) turns up alive. He and his wife (Starbuck) are reunited in an emotional scene.

Personally I think this was a wasted opportunity for Moore. He could have modeled Apollo 100% on LTJG McConnel and made Mrs. McConnell into Serena and gave them a kid named Boxey. At the end of the mini we would have been close to where we ended "Saga of a Star World". To keep the Jerrod Torrey story intact Moore could have made Jerrod Torrey into Zac, picked any reason for the estrangement and ended the mini with Zac's viper being destroyed screening for the fleet at Ragnar. We would have Apollo, Serena, and Boxey intact. Zac would have died in battle as the young heroic warrior he was..... what could have been.
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