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Old January 1st, 2004, 12:51 PM   #25
Imperious Leader
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I'll help you out of your confusion.

Some people (myself included) are being told what's developing with a possible series. Others are leaping in with an agenda intent on causing trouble. You sound like the latter.

I don't question anyone's information or integrity until I have information that confirms either is invalid. At best, the criticisms about the 10 Dec post are people's speculation that they don't believe it. That's fine. Everyone is welcome to do that. Attacking those that provide information is unwarranted. Altering what posts actually said and then proclaiming that the poster was wrong and is lying and shows a disturbing agenda on the part of those doing it. Michael Hinman did this several times. You are doing it now. I don't appreciate it and would like you to stop immediately.

Claiming you are confused or that any board is slanted because people don't appreciate your bad conduct is insincere and childish.

I hope things are clear now.

I respect French maids for their minds.

Last edited by TwoBrainedCylon; January 1st, 2004 at 12:56 PM..
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