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Old December 24th, 2003, 12:02 PM   #30
sihirvyth2's Avatar
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Originally posted by Dogface

So would I, but I don't get enraged over what is ultimately a trivial matter. My children do not starve over this.
I guess I'm not seeing the rage, I'm seeing people with a preference disappointed they didn't get what they wanted, and still hoping they can.

After the mini, alot of the bad feelings from fans of TOS seemed to dissipate. If anything I'm seeing the pendulum swing back the other way. Reviews and supposed 'fans of the mini' acting like there are a bunch of bespectacled 30 year old TOS fans living in their mother's basement plotting to get all the people who like the mini. It's just ludicrious.

There are a few people who aren't on any 'side' but are just out there to stir the pot. To say they reflect on the average fan of the TOS or the mini is just wrong. I'm uncomfortable with people being in one camp or the other in general. Amost everyone I know likes both.
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