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Old December 11th, 2003, 11:42 AM   #5
Kaith Rustaz
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It could, but here I don't think so. Regardless of how the mini does (and so far the ratings sound good, even if there are conflicting news coming outta scifi), I think we all win.

Look at it this way, the mini (like it or not) has brought a great deal of publicity to BSG. The original series, movie and pilot are all out now on DVD. There are new toys and other tie ins floating around. Richard continues to write his novels. Both the remake and the original are enjoying a greater exposure to old and new fans alike. Our community will expand. The more we grow, the more power we can present as a marketable group. Since its all about the $ in the end, the more of us there are, the more potential $ for them, so things will be more likely to improve.

We screams, ranted and bitched about everything in this remake, Larsons ideas and even Richards. They all listened, some more, some less, but they heard us. And now, after this, our numbers will grow. New fans will look at the original. Old fans will take heart from the new.

Its all good, even the parts that make us go 'Aw crap".

(Now remember....6 months ago I wanted to kick pissed as many folks here. Now, I can step back and see where good may come, even if I don't agree with many of the 'changes'.)

The BSG community is more tightly nit than the old Trek community. Folks here drive cross country to do cons, like what John Colicos did a few years back. Hell, I was at Toronto Trek the 1 year when he just stopped in, unannounced, to hang out with Richard and Anne and the fans. I feel that this kind of faith, manages.

Something good will come.

Maybe, all 3 ideas will see film. Then we can bask in a major 'wow. Worst case, we now have the full series on DVD, the original movie, pilot and Richards books.

So, love it or hate it, the remake has helped us at least get clean, unedited cuts of the original that we all love.

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