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Old December 11th, 2003, 04:20 AM   #10
Shuttle Pilot
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Canon is a flexible issue. Clearly even in the tv classic something didn't make sense but that series, now on DVD, is the "holy writ" as it were. At best, the flashback of "The Return of Starbuck" is the only piece of Galactica 1980 that worth noting.

I suppose some bits can be used to 'fill in' where it would never be contradicted by the classic series: Lucifer rescuing Baltar since Baltar was clearly rescued but we never saw how and never will since Colicos is departed.

I don't know if anyone has studied the episodes enough to develop a 'show bible' or TOS encyclopedia from what was on screen: character histories and profiles, Colonial and Cylon histories and so forth. Never contradicted deleted scenes on the new DVD should be noted as well, if perhaps footnoted as "deleted" material. That would be a handy project for classic fandom or any "continuation", I think.
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