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Old December 23rd, 2002, 12:45 PM   #9
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Hey dah66 years back a Six Million Dollar Man/Bionic Woman remake would have been a great idea. But in light of no originally in Hollyweird for the past couple of years. Anystinking remake that comes out of Hollywood is bound to sound bad, be bad, is on the cheap, has tons of badly done CGI, has actor who will sleepwalk through the snorefest, won't earn back it's budget let alone make any profit and will suck worse than a giant sized gobstopper candy cane stick!

Hey Hollywood A.K.A. Bizarroland why don't you remake Knightrider, The A-Team while your at it. Oh yeah you are planning that aren't you, gee whiz (Hah)


There's a sarcastic reply for you!
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