Thread: The Void
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Old November 22nd, 2003, 05:26 AM   #11
Trevor Angelus
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I stand behind your words Muffy! It literally broke my heart when I read the news about the new Mini because I LOVED that show! I lived in a VERY abusive home, my mother was single and tried to force her selfish beleifs on me. One escape I had was a show we both enjoyed, BSG! To her it was just an entertaining show, to me it gave an escape. It was another family that I was a part of for an hour. Apollo and Boomer both gave me honorable role models to look up and aspire to.

When I heard Ron Moore call these archetypes unrealistic and outdated, and basicly tell fans that our oppinion meant nothing, it not only made me angry, I was deeply hurt by the news.

Now I admit I wasn't a big fan of the Singer DeSanto project(mostly because I only heard about the remake) and was a staunch supporter of Richard's ever since I read Armaggedon and heard about his efforts to revive the series. But at least they GET the show.

Perhaps the worst slap in the face was the fact they had the original cast willing to appear! And after hearing their thoughts on how much they loved being apart of the series and hated to see it go, it makes the pain run deeper.

Muffy heres to you!
The only way for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.
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