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Old November 14th, 2003, 07:06 PM   #39
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Default I think repcisg is right. IMO anyways.

I've read countless times that there were only 5 Battlestars there, but I've always wondered why the movie images were so inconsistent. In one shot they were lined up front to rear, in others they were beside each other, etc. In BSG fandom, aren't the films considered "Canon" before anything else? (i.e. books, news articles, etc etc) If that's true, then the only way to explain the shots of the Cimtar fleet, other than just careless attention to detail, is by this educated guesswork of repcisg's. Are there other thoughts on this? I can cite 3 or 4 sources for the 5 Battlestar figure, and I know all of you can too, but is there anything that says what repcisg is saying is not possible?
The last Battlestar, Galactica, leads a rag tag fugitive fleet to a shining planet known as Earth
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