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Old November 7th, 2003, 01:36 PM   #14
Stablemaster, Livery Ship
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Originally posted by RGrant
It may indeed have been harder to play the part of Apollo, but I'm talking about the character, not the actor. Starbuck was much more of a human character. We knew his motivations, where he was coming from. Apollo was more of a blank slate. We knew he was earnest, self-righteous and had few if any faults. That's not easy to bond with for a lot of people.

Turning him into a Cylon, letting us experience some of his pain, would have done a lot to turn him into a more sympathetic, more human character. He never had anything driving his character other than the motivation to be the dependable Mr. Stand-up Guy. What actually motivated that? The need to impress Adama? Some failure from his past? Even making him a bit of an anal, obsessive-compulsive about duty -- some kind of fault, no matter how small -- would have done a lot to make him more human.

That's why even if the Apollo as Cylon thing borrows a lot from Seven of Nine, I still think it would have been a great opportunity to finally explore the Apollo character.
His fault wasn't stated so much as it was a part of him: the obsesssion with taking on all of the most dangerous missions--Sheba in the Hand of God makes a statement about "maybe it is true, you really do want to get yourself killed".... there is a flaw in that: how does that protect Boxey, his son?

I never had a problem relating to Apollo, either, Muffit. Guess he was just the knight in shining armour character.... I don't think it's just a woman thing....(?)
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