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Old October 29th, 2003, 09:00 PM   #1
Muff Daggy
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Okay folks! Here's your chance to point out anything special, funny, unusual or otherwise worthy of mention in the new BSG DVD set!

Before I mention my finds, let me quote one of the funniest lines in the series, one of a couple of jokes spoken by Cylons:

-- From Saga of a Star World, when the Cylons realize the Colonials have out-guessed their little surprise attack:

Imperious Leader: "How can this be? We took them completely by surprise!"

Centurion: "Apparently it was not as big a surprise as we hoped..."

This always cracks me up!!!

Okay, now for two interesting bits of trivia. Someone mentioned the first one long ago but now that we have DVDs I can point you all right to it. Insert Disk 1 Side 1, Saga of a Star World, Chapter 4, Time 31:55. In green in the upper left corner of the Galactica's monitor screen you will clearly see: "Made in USA"!

And for the second bit of trivia, there appear to be actually 2 different joysticks in the vipers. Again, in Saga of a Star World, Chapter 3, Time 22:24, you can pause and see that 2 of the 3 buttons on the joystick read "Stores" and (I think) "Camera Pulse", where "Stores" is used to fire the weapons (I can't read the center button - somebody please let me know if you find it). Throughout the rest of the series, the 3 buttons are "Fire", "Turbo" and "IM". (The last one, "IM" I don't know what it stands for, does anybody know? I think it is used to brake/reverse).

That's it for my trivia for today!!! Please feel free to post yours here too as you find them!!!

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