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Old September 18th, 2003, 07:28 AM   #8
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I've always felt that the "Star Wars rip-off" label that was applied to BSG was entirely unfair. As Sept. 17th rightly pointed out, there are enormous differences between the two stories and the characters in each. When I was young, I was taken with idea of the continuing fight against eveil, even when evil seemed to possess overwhelming advantages. As an adult, the same theme grabs me, but I see it more as keeping hold of hope, even when a positive outcome appears very uncertain. Refusing to yield, regardless of the odds stacked against you. I enjoy Star Wars, but I've never gotten such a message from it. That message, along with the memorable characters and stories, are a big part of what has endeared BSG to me for the last twenty-five years, and are amongst the main reasons that this wonderful show deserves to be preserved and properly continued.
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