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Old September 10th, 2003, 11:07 AM   #1
Muff Daggy
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Colonial Fleets

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Location: Beaver Hollow, TN
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Stargate Familiarity – the Essence of BSG

What other emotion in life makes us feel more like home? Familiarity quiets the spirit and relaxes the soul. It satisfies that dogged human drive to wander by feeling we have reached our goal.

I would like to share a short story with you. I was in the middle of 2nd grade, and we had just moved from a mostly rural area to a more suburban one. Funny thing was, I was pretty much the same distance from school, just that I was now on the opposite side of it. My school was at the top of a hill and from that vantage point you could almost see both houses. My mom dropped off my younger brother and I in the morning, since it was our first school day in our new home and we didn’t really know the way yet. She offered to pick us up when school was out, but I countered that we could walk home easily, since I could practically see our new home. We debated a bit and I won out.

Well, school ended and we started home. But somehow or other I got my wires crossed and missed our street (anyone who has ever driven with me to Frisco can vouch for my total and complete lack of direction). The name /sounded/ so familiar I thought for sure that was it. My younger brother and I got sidetracked singing songs and we walked for probably an hour before we realized we were lost. You too must have felt that panic at least once in your life when everything around you is foreign and you have no idea where you are. Luckily, my frantic and worried mom found us anyway, miles from home, and on completely the wrong street. You see, what sounded familiar wasn’t home.

I have that feeling with the new incarnation of BSG. It sounds familiar but the closer I get the more unfamiliar it becomes. I want so much to get that feeling you have when you are surrounded by familiarity, that special satisfaction and peace inside. But instead I feel lost and seven years old again. The sign reads “BSG”, but the surroundings are as unfamiliar as a strange town.

And one question looms over me as I wander, confused and lost. When will someone come and find me, and take me to my familiar BSG home?

How could I miss anything more…

Affectionately and respectfully,
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